House-training A Puppy

House training a puppy, no matter what you’ve heard, can and should be be a natural and easy experience for both you and your puppy. It really does not have to be a mess or a struggle.

One of the main ingredients to enjoying successful puppy potty training after having trouble is recognizing subtle puppy training mistakes and then making some easy changes. No matter what your puppy problems are now, housetraining your puppy can be an easy, natural time of bonding and a very rewarding experience.

Using my gentle and proven methods for housetraining (that your “dog” can understand), immediately puts an end to cleaning up messes and ensures a reliably trained, happy, and healthy dog who will love and trust you forever.

Housetraining a puppy (or any dog) should NEVER include spanking, yelling, or punishing; unpleasant tactics are simply not needed and only slow down the training process. Puppy training methods should always be safe and humane for your puppy and EASY for you to apply!

Utilizing certain natural canine drives for housetraining a puppy allows your dog to quickly and easily comprehend the behavior that you desire. This works much better and more quickly than resorting to scolding-type tactics.

When is it time to get help house-training your puppy?

Well, if there’s any doubt it’s always best to know the truth as soon as possible otherwise little problems can quickly turn into BIG ones very easily.

When should you get help?

It’s Simple, just ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is what I’m doing now NOT working very well?
  2. Do I feel like I’m in a battle of wills?
  3. Is my puppy’s housetraining a constant struggle?
  4. Am I always cleaning up messes?–like more than once a week is really too much
  5. Does my puppy often potty when we come BACK INSIDE?
  6. Does my puppy sneak off and hide to the potty sometimes?
  7. Does my puppy whine all the time?
  8. Is my puppy pottying in the crate?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then it’s time for help. Don’t make the puppy potty training process a whole lot more difficult and drawn out than it has to be.

If you’re having more than one accident a week, then that’s too many. Housetraining a puppy simply does not have to be that inconvenient. Many times we, as “humans”, are inclined to use “human” logic. So it’s only natural to do things based on either human thinking patterns or on what we’ve always heard, BUT this is exactly where the problem lies.

Dogs are not capable of understanding things from our perspective, even when it may appear that way to us. This leaves room for many subtle and usually critical puppy training mistakes. These overlooked mistakes many times teach just the opposite of what you want and actually promote or cause most of the behavior problems seen in adult dogs. Some dogs skate by, but that truly is the exception to the rule.

The only way to ensure reliable and positive results is to only follow methods that come from a reliable source, and that only involve humane and acceptable treatment of the dog. Without reliable methods, house training a puppy successfully IS a roll of the dice.

House-training a puppy and the resulting life you lead with your pet should be happy, peaceful, and carefree. The puppy training secrets that I show you in my ebooks have a step-by-step process and will be very easy for you to follow, so there’s NO guesswork and NO room for error.

You’ll be so surprised at how simple and natural housetraining a puppy can be; and at how you don’t have to scold or experience any unpleasantness at all. All you really need in order to have a phenomenal experience housetraining a puppy is to apply the simple guidelines in “Puppy Potty Training”. Also, remember the importance of feeding the right food to your puppy. The best puppy dog food that dog parent can give to your puppies are food tailored to meet their nutritional needs.